glibc-debug - While trying to figure out a specific challange to ctflearn website, I had to run gdb on a binary file to try to get some debug info from there. My CentOS 8.x said I need to install the glibc-debug package in order to get access to all the available debug info generated by gdb.
Unfortunatelly, it seems that there is no glibc-debug package for CentOS 8 (at least for glibc-2.28-127 version).
That being said I’ve decided to create such a package. Finding the glibc-2.28-127.el8.x86_64.src.rpm package seemed like an easy task but in the end proved to be a little more complicated that I thought. I found the .src.rpm package on the website but the download URL was incorrect so I was always getting a 404 error. In the end, I’ve tried to replace the OS version from the URL which was 8.1.1911 with 8.3.2011 (which is the latest version) and voila, the download worked.
Installing the .src.rpm package was an easy task but to re-create all the glibc packages as .rpm requires additional software to be installed:
gcc, gd-devel, rpm-build, glibc-static, libpng-devel, libstdc++-static, texinfo etc.
I have installed them all and issued the command to rebuild the packages. The process took quite a lot (4 cpu cores kvm instance, 4g ram, ssd disk ~ about 75 minutes).
In the end, I was able to have all the glibc packages as .rpm packages and ready to be installed.
You can download the 2 packages from the url bellow: glibc debug packages.
They are 100% clean packages, no viruses, no malware, no hidden backdoors or trojan. Scan them with whatever software you want if you do not trust me…